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Nationalism A Developed Form of Factionalism by Umm-E-Habiba

Article : Nationalism A Developed Form of Factionalism

Written By: Umm-E-Habiba

Factionalism is included in the human instinct. The scientists believe that during the long biological evolution, this very instinct help in the survival of human race that it became a part of human nature. Some religions( like Islam) and cultures tried to reduce this trend but it could not be finished. Nationalism is a developed form of it. Today's states came into existence on the basis of nationality and they use this human instinct to maintain its existence. Nationalism causes competitions, tensions and wars between countries. It does not avoid harming other countries to improve the condition of its own people. The big wars of the present era have been fought on this very reason and the last major battle was World War 2 between Hitler's Germany and other nations of the Europe. The main motive of the war on both sides was nationalism. That is why it is not possible for us to justify one over another. The ideology of Hitler's Germany revolved around the superiority of power that is to make its state more and more powerful by subjugating others. For this purpose, any kind of action was justified. Concepts such as welfare of their people and upholding their rights are considered to be unnecessary but harmful. As a result, severe restrictions were imposed on the people of the country. While countries like Britain and France took care of the welfare of their people and made no compromise on the rule of law. Consequently, people of these countries gave sacrifices to their state, while in Germany people were tired of the state's oppression and thus ready to welcome the enemies. In our country, Hitler is being presented as a hero under a thought- out scheme. It is belike one of the tactics of the fifth generation war of the enemy. If some people dream of any leadership like Hitler and bring it to power in the country, then the result will be in the form of hostility between the state and the people. The existence of such a state will not remain for long and there will be no need of attack to defeat it because the worm of oppression and coercion will hollow it from inside.

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